Colors, sizes, and designs may vary.
My product is wire wrapped jewelry, I make bracelets, rings, and my main idea, necklaces. I came up with different designs and used different types of crystals. My product represents the Mckenzie valley since most of my crystals are from the area.
The materials I use are wire in 22 to 24 gauge, crystals from the mckenzie valley, metal (silver) bangles, and 2-4mm chain. Many of these materials I use are donated.
The equipment that is used in our product are things you can find at home. The equipment that is used is flat nose pliers, wire cutters, and needle nose pliers. These equipment are required to make the product.
Our crystals are one of our features, we use them because they are a confidence booster and the beauty will make you smile, another thing that is great about it is that it is local. Another thing that is one of my features of my product is the wire. My wire is one of the main equipment I use for the product.
My wire creates less waste, is bendable, and provides strength to hold the crystals. Crystals because they are a confidence booster and the beauty will make you smile, another thing that is great about it is that it is local.